Provides pool's asset related functions
event ExportNFTAsset(address tokenAddress, address toPoolAddress, uint256[] tokenIds)
event WithdrawNFTAsset(address[] tokenAddresses, uint256[] tokenIds, address[] recipients)
event UpdateOpeningBlockTimestamp(uint256 newTimestamp)
event CollectNFTAsset(uint256[] tokenIds, uint256 expectedAssetsValue)
event CollectERC20Asset(address token, uint256 currentBalance)
event WithdrawERC20Asset(address[] tokenAddresses, address[] recipients, uint256[] amounts)
event SetRiskScore(struct DataTypes.RiskScore[] riskscores)
function setupRiskScores(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, uint32[] _daysPastDues, uint32[] _ratesAndDefaults, uint32[] _periodsAndWriteOffs) external
This function sets up risk scores for securitization pool. It requires that the input arrays are sorted and have equal lengths, where each element of one array corresponds to an index in the other two arrays. The function also emits a 'SetRiskScore' event with the new risk scores as parameter.
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | storage object for pool details |
_daysPastDues | uint32[] | array of days past due periods |
_ratesAndDefaults | uint32[] | array of rates and defaults corresponding to each day past due period |
_periodsAndWriteOffs | uint32[] | array of periods and write offs corresponding to each day past due period |
function exportAssets(struct DataTypes.NFTAsset[] _nftAssets, address tokenAddress, address toPoolAddress, uint256[] tokenIds) external
This function exports NFT assets from the pool to another address.
Name | Type | Description |
_nftAssets | struct DataTypes.NFTAsset[] | The array of NFT assets in the pool. |
tokenAddress | address | The address of the ERC721 token contract. |
toPoolAddress | address | The address where the assets will be transferred to. |
tokenIds | uint256[] | The IDs of the tokens that are being exported from the pool. |
function withdrawAssets(struct DataTypes.NFTAsset[] _nftAssets, address[] tokenAddresses, uint256[] tokenIds, address[] recipients) external
This function allows users to withdraw their NFT assets from the pool.
Name | Type | Description |
_nftAssets | struct DataTypes.NFTAsset[] | The array of NFT assets in the pool. |
tokenAddresses | address[] | The addresses of the tokens that represent the NFTs. |
tokenIds | uint256[] | The IDs of the NFTs to be withdrawn. |
recipients | address[] | The addresses of the users who will receive the NFTs. |
function getLoansValue(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, uint256[] tokenIds, struct DataTypes.LoanEntry[] loanEntries) external view returns (uint256 expectedAssetsValue, uint256[] expectedAssetValues)
Calculates the total value of loans and individual loan values.
The function calculates the expected asset value based on the provided loan entries for each tokenId. It also returns an array with the calculated values for each tokenId.
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | Pool storage object. |
tokenIds | uint256[] | Array of token IDs. |
loanEntries | struct DataTypes.LoanEntry[] | Array of loan entries corresponding to the token IDs. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
expectedAssetsValue | uint256 | Total value of all loans. |
expectedAssetValues | uint256[] | Array with individual loan values for each tokenId. |
function collectAssets(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, uint256[] tokenIds, struct DataTypes.LoanEntry[] loanEntries) external returns (uint256)
This function collects NFT assets from users and adds them to the pool. It also updates the pool's NAV (Net Asset Value).
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | The storage of the pool. |
tokenIds | uint256[] | An array of token IDs representing the NFT assets being collected. |
loanEntries | struct DataTypes.LoanEntry[] | An array of LoanEntry structs containing information about each loan. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | expectedAssetsValue The total value of the collected assets. |
function setUpOpeningBlockTimestamp(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage) public
This function sets up the opening block timestamp for a pool.
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | The storage object of the pool. |
function _setOpeningBlockTimestamp(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, uint64 _openingBlockTimestamp) internal
This function sets the opening block timestamp.
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | The storage of the pool. |
_openingBlockTimestamp | uint64 | The new opening block timestamp. |