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The Graph

Untangled maintains a subgraph on The Graph that indexes useful state about the Untangled Protocol. This subgraph is used by the Untangled app.

The GraphQL schema of the subgraph
type NoteTokenPurchased @entity(immutable: true) {
id: Bytes!
investor: Bytes! # address
tgeAddress: Bytes! # address
pool: PoolDetail! # address
amount: BigInt! # uint256
tokenAmount: BigInt! # uint256
blockNumber: BigInt!
blockTimestamp: BigInt!
transactionHash: Bytes!

type PoolDetail @entity {
id: ID!
jotAddress: String
tgeJOTAddress: String
sotAddress: String
tgeSOTAddress: String
tokensPurchased: [NoteTokenPurchased!] @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
totalSOTAmount: BigInt!
totalJOTAmount: BigInt!
# tokensRedeemed: [TokensRedeemed!]
createdTimestamp: BigInt
createdBlockNumber: BigInt
createdTransactionHash: String

type RedeemOrder @entity {
id: ID!
pool: PoolDetail!
noteTokenAddress: Bytes!
user: Bytes!
noteTokenRedeemAmount: BigInt!
noteTokenPrice: BigInt
createdTimestamp: BigInt
createdBlockNumber: BigInt
createdTransactionHash: String

enum TransactionType {
type PoolActivity @entity(immutable: true) {
id: Bytes!
pool: PoolDetail!
from: String!
amount: BigInt
transactionType: TransactionType!
createdTimestamp: BigInt!
createdBlockNumber: BigInt!
createdTransactionHash: String!

type UserPoolInvestment @entity {
id: ID!
investor: UserInvestment!
pool: PoolDetail!
totalSOTAmount: BigInt!
totalJOTAmount: BigInt!

type UserInvestment @entity {
id: ID!
investments: [UserPoolInvestment!] @derivedFrom(field: "investor")