Main entry point for senior LPs (a.k.a. capital providers)
Automatically invests across borrower pools using an adjustable strategy.
event SetRate(bytes32 loan, uint256 rate)
event ChangeRate(bytes32 loan, uint256 newRate)
function maturityDate(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, bytes32 nft_) internal view returns (uint256 maturityDate_)
getter function for the maturityDate
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | |
nft_ | bytes32 | the id of the nft based on the hash of registry and tokenId |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
maturityDate_ | uint256 | the maturityDate of the nft |
function risk(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, bytes32 nft_) internal view returns (uint256 risk_)
getter function for the risk group
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | |
nft_ | bytes32 | the id of the nft based on the hash of registry and tokenId |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
risk_ | uint256 | the risk group of the nft |
function futureValue(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, bytes32 nft_) internal view returns (uint256 fv_)
getter function for the future value
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | |
nft_ | bytes32 | the id of the nft based on the hash of registry and tokenId |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
fv_ | uint256 | future value of the loan |
function recoveryRatePD(struct DataTypes.RiskScore[] riskScores, uint256 riskID, uint256 termLength) internal view returns (uint256 recoveryRatePD_)
getter function for the recovery rate PD
Name | Type | Description |
riskScores | struct DataTypes.RiskScore[] | |
riskID | uint256 | id of a risk group |
termLength | uint256 | |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
recoveryRatePD_ | uint256 | recovery rate PD of the risk group |
function borrowed(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, uint256 loan) internal view returns (uint256 borrowed_)
getter function for the borrowed amount
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | |
loan | uint256 | id of a loan |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
borrowed_ | uint256 | borrowed amount of the loan |
function getRiskScoreByIdx(struct DataTypes.RiskScore[] riskScores, uint256 idx) internal view returns (struct DataTypes.RiskScore)
function toUint128(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint128 converted)
converts a uint256 to uint128
Name | Type | Description |
value | uint256 | the value to be converted |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
converted | uint128 | value to uint128 |
function isLoanWrittenOff(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, uint256 loan) internal view returns (bool)
returns if a loan is written off
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | |
loan | uint256 | the id of the loan |
function currentNAV(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage) internal view returns (uint256 nav_)
calculates and returns the current NAV
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
nav_ | uint256 | current NAV |
function currentNAVAsset(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, bytes32 tokenId) internal view returns (uint256)
function currentPVs(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage) internal view returns (uint256 totalDiscount, uint256 overdue, uint256 writeOffs)
calculates the present value of the loans together with overdue and written off loans
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
totalDiscount | uint256 | the present value of the loans |
overdue | uint256 | the present value of the overdue loans |
writeOffs | uint256 | the present value of the written off loans |
function currentAV(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, bytes32 tokenId) internal view returns (uint256 totalDiscount, uint256 overdue, uint256 writeOffs)
This function calculates the total discount, overdue and write offs of a loan.
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | The storage object for the pool. |
tokenId | bytes32 | The ID of the loan. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
totalDiscount | uint256 | The total discount of the loan. |
overdue | uint256 | The amount that is overdue. |
writeOffs | uint256 | The amount that has been written off. |
function currentWriteOffs(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage) internal view returns (uint256 sum)
returns the sum of all write off loans
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
sum | uint256 | of all write off loans |
function calcUpdateNAV(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage) internal returns (uint256 nav_)
calculates and returns the current NAV and updates the state
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
nav_ | uint256 | current NAV |
function reCalcNAV(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage) internal returns (uint256 nav_)
re-calculates the nav in a non-optimized way
the method is not updating the NAV to latest block.timestamp
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
nav_ | uint256 | current NAV |
function nftID(uint256 loan) internal pure returns (bytes32 nftID_)
returns the nftID for the underlying collateral nft
Name | Type | Description |
loan | uint256 | the loan id |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
nftID_ | bytes32 | the nftID of the loan |
function currentValidWriteOffGroup(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, uint256 loan) internal view returns (uint256 writeOffGroup_)
returns the current valid write off group of a loan
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | |
loan | uint256 | the loan id |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
writeOffGroup_ | uint256 | the current valid write off group of a loan |
function debt(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, uint256 loan) internal view returns (uint256 loanDebt)
Calculates the debt of a loan based on its rate, interest rates and time elapsed since last update.
If there's no penalty, it simply returns the amount after charging interest to chi. Otherwise, it calculates the total debt by first applying interest to chi* then applies that to penaltyChi*._
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | The storage of the pool from which data is retrieved. |
loan | uint256 | The index of the loan for which we want to calculate the debt. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
loanDebt | uint256 | The calculated debt of the loan. |
function debtWithChi(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, uint256 loan, uint256 chi, uint256 penaltyChi) internal view returns (uint256 loanDebt)
Calculate the debt of a loan based on chi and penaltyChi.
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | The storage object of the pool. |
loan | uint256 | The amount of loan. |
chi | uint256 | The amount of chi. |
penaltyChi | uint256 | The amount of penalty chi. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
loanDebt | uint256 | The calculated debt of the loan. |
function chiAndPenaltyChi(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, uint256 loan) internal view returns (uint256 chi, uint256 penaltyChi)
This function calculates chi and penaltyChi based on loan rate.
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | The storage object for the pool. |
loan | uint256 | The amount of loan taken by user. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
chi | uint256 | The calculated chi value. |
penaltyChi | uint256 | The calculated penalty chi value. |
function rateDebt(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, uint256 rate) internal view returns (uint256 totalDebt)
Calculates total debt for a specific rate.
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | The storage object containing all pool data. |
rate | uint256 | The index of the rate to calculate the debt for. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
totalDebt | uint256 | The total debt calculated based on the specified rate and any applicable interest charges. |
function setRate(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, uint256 loan, uint256 rate) internal
_This function sets the rate for a specific loan in the pool storage.
- The debt associated with the loan must be zero.
- The specified rate category must already have been initiated._
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | The storage object for the pool. |
loan | uint256 | The ID of the loan to set the rate for. |
rate | uint256 | The new rate to set for the loan. |
function changeRate(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, uint256 loan, uint256 newRate) internal
Changes the interest rate of a loan.
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | The storage object of the pool. |
loan | uint256 | The ID of the loan. |
newRate | uint256 | The new interest rate to be set for the loan. |
function accrue(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, uint256 loan) internal
Accrue the loan interest based on the loan type and update the pool storage.
Drip the interest to the pool from the specified loan.
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | The storage of the pool. |
loan | uint256 | The loan type for which we want to accrue interest. |
function drip(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, uint256 rate) internal
This function updates the chi value of a specific rate in the pool storage. It also handles penalties if they exist.
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | The Storage object containing all data for this contract. |
rate | uint256 | The index of the rate to update. |
function compounding(uint256 chi, uint256 ratePerSecond, uint256 lastUpdated, uint256 _pie) internal view returns (uint256, uint256)
Interest functions
This function provides compounding in seconds
Name | Type | Description |
chi | uint256 | Accumulated interest rate over time |
ratePerSecond | uint256 | Interest rate accumulation per second in RAD(10ˆ27) |
lastUpdated | uint256 | When the interest rate was last updated |
_pie | uint256 | Total sum of all amounts accumulating under one interest rate, divided by that rate |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | The new accumulated rate, as well as the difference between the debt calculated with the old and new accumulated rates. |
[1] | uint256 | |
function chargeInterest(uint256 interestBearingAmount, uint256 ratePerSecond, uint256 lastUpdated) internal view returns (uint256)
This function charge interest on a interestBearingAmount
Name | Type | Description |
interestBearingAmount | uint256 | is the interest bearing amount |
ratePerSecond | uint256 | Interest rate accumulation per second in RAD(10ˆ27) |
lastUpdated | uint256 | last time the interest has been charged |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | interestBearingAmount + interest |
function _chargeInterest(uint256 interestBearingAmount, uint256 ratePerSecond, uint256 lastUpdated, uint256 current) internal pure returns (uint256)
Calculates the amount of interest to be charged on an interest bearing asset.
Name | Type | Description |
interestBearingAmount | uint256 | The total value of the interest bearing asset. |
ratePerSecond | uint256 | The interest rate per second, as a fractional number (e.g., 1% = 0.01). |
lastUpdated | uint256 | The timestamp when the balance was last updated. |
current | uint256 | The current timestamp. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | The amount of interest to be charged on the asset. |
function toAmount(uint256 chi, uint256 _pie) internal pure returns (uint256)
This function converts an amount of pie into chi.
Name | Type | Description |
chi | uint256 | The number of chi units that will be returned. |
_pie | uint256 | The number of pie units to convert. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | The equivalent number of chi units. |
function toPie(uint256 chi, uint256 amount) internal pure returns (uint256)
This function calculates how many pieces (pies) can be obtained from a given amount of chi.
Name | Type | Description |
chi | uint256 | The number of chi units available for distribution. |
amount | uint256 | The total amount to distribute. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | Returns the number of pies that can be made with the provided chi and amount. |
function getAsset(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage, bytes32 agreementId) internal view returns (struct DataTypes.NFTDetails)
Function to get details about an asset from a pool storage
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | The storage of the pool where the agreement is stored |
agreementId | bytes32 | The id of the agreement for which we want to retrieve the NFT details |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | struct DataTypes.NFTDetails | Returns the details of the NFT associated with the given agreement ID |
function reserve(struct DataTypes.Storage _poolStorage) internal view returns (uint256)
This function returns the total reserve of a pool which is sum of capital and income reserves.
Name | Type | Description |
_poolStorage | struct DataTypes.Storage | The storage object of the pool. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | Total reserve amount in the pool. |
function unpackParamsForAgreementID(struct DataTypes.LoanEntry loan) internal view returns (struct UnpackLoanParamtersLib.InterestParams params)
Unpacks parameters from a loan entry to calculate interest rates and other terms.
This function unpacks the parameters of a loan, calculates the term length in seconds based on the amortization unit type,
and returns an InterestParams struct containing all these values.
Name | Type | Description |
loan | struct DataTypes.LoanEntry | The loan entry from which to extract parameters. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
params | struct UnpackLoanParamtersLib.InterestParams | A struct containing the principal amount, interest rate, start and end timestamps of the term, the amortization unit type, and the length of the term in amortization units. |