You can use this contract for creating new pool, setting up note toke sale, buying note token
uint256[] allowedUIDTypes
function initialize(contract Registry _registry, address _factoryAdmin) public
modifier onlyPoolExisted(address pool)
modifier onlyIssuer(address pool)
modifier doesSOTExist(address pool)
modifier doesJOTExist(address pool)
function setFactoryAdmin(address _factoryAdmin) public
Sets the address that can create new instances of contracts.
Name | Type | Description |
_factoryAdmin | address | The address of the new factory admin. |
function getPoolsLength() public view returns (uint256)
function newPoolInstance(bytes32 salt, address poolOwner, bytes params) external returns (address)
Deploys a new instance of Securitization Pool contract with given parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
salt | bytes32 | A unique value to determine the location of the new pool in the blockchain. |
poolOwner | address | Address that will own this new pool and can grant roles to other addresses. |
params | bytes | Additional parameters for initializing the pool. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | address | The address of the newly deployed Securitization Pool contract. |
function registerPot(address pot) external
Registers a new pot for a SecuritizationPool. Only existing pools can register pots. A pot can only be registered once. Emits a {UpdatePotToPool} event.
function _initialTGEForSOT(address issuerTokenController, address pool, uint8 saleType, string ticker, uint256 openingTime) internal returns (address, address)
Deploys Senior Obligation Token (SOT) for a given pool. This function creates SOT token, sets up the initial TGE and injects its address into the pool.
Name | Type | Description |
issuerTokenController | address | The address of IssuerTokenController. |
pool | address | Address of the Pool. |
saleType | uint8 | Type of Sale (0 for presale, 1 for public sale). |
ticker | string | Ticker symbol of SOT token. |
openingTime | uint256 | The timestamp when the TGE starts. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | address | sotToken Address of the created Senior Obligation Token. |
[1] | address | tgeAddress Address of the created Token Generation Event. |
function setUpTGEForSOT(struct ISecuritizationManager.TGEParam tgeParam, uint32 interestRate) public
Function for setting up TGE for SOT (Securitized Token Offering)
Name | Type | Description |
tgeParam | struct ISecuritizationManager.TGEParam | Struct containing parameters related to TGE setup |
interestRate | uint32 | Interest rate for the Securitized Token Offering |
function setUpTGEForJOT(struct ISecuritizationManager.TGEParam tgeParam, uint256 initialJOTAmount) public
This function sets up the Initial Token Generation Event (TGE) for JOT. It initializes various parameters of the TGE such as total cap, has started status, min bid amount and initial amount.
Name | Type | Description |
tgeParam | struct ISecuritizationManager.TGEParam | Struct containing details about the TGE like issuer token controller address, pool address, sale type, ticker symbol and opening time. |
initialJOTAmount | uint256 | Initial JOT amount to be set for the TGE. |
function _initialTGEForJOT(address issuerTokenController, address pool, uint8 saleType, string ticker, uint256 openingTime) public returns (address, address)
Deploys Junior Note Token (JOT) and corresponding Token Generation Event (TGE).
Only callable by Pool contract.
Name | Type | Description |
issuerTokenController | address | Address of the Issuer Token Controller. |
pool | address | Address of the Pool. |
saleType | uint8 | Type of the Sale. |
ticker | string | String representing the token's symbol/ticker. |
openingTime | uint256 | Timestamp when the TGE starts. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | address | jotToken Address of the deployed Junior Note Token (JOT). |
[1] | address | tgeAddress Address of the created Token Generation Event (TGE). |
function buyTokens(address tgeAddress, uint256 currencyAmount) external
This function allows users to buy tokens from a TGE (Token Generation Event).
Name | Type | Description |
tgeAddress | address | The address of the TGE. |
currencyAmount | uint256 | The amount of currency to be used for buying tokens. |
function setAllowedUIDTypes(uint256[] ids) external
Allows an admin to set the allowed UID types.
Name | Type | Description |
ids | uint256[] | The array of IDs that are now allowed. |
function hasAllowedUID(address sender) public view returns (bool)
Check if an user has valid UID type
function updateTgeInfo(struct ISecuritizationManager.TGEInfoParam[] tgeInfos) public
Update TGE information for multiple projects. Only controller of each project can call this function.
Name | Type | Description |
tgeInfos | struct ISecuritizationManager.TGEInfoParam[] | An array of TGEInfoParam structs containing information about each project's new TGE details. |